fan engagement

We bring our fans the best personalised and interactive experiences, as we understand the needs of each and every one

Creation of loyalty products and services that will revolutionise the fans' online and offline experience, both inside and outside the stadium.

Real Madrid is currently working on the development and evolution of different attractive personal experiences for each one of its fans. Our goal is to maintain and work with a clear and attractive approach for the fans by establishing daily moments of contact, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. It is not enough just to focus on the matchday. The contact is continuous and we work to involve our fans with each step that the club takes, generating loyalty in all our communication channels
New technologies and social media have evolved a lot in recent years and both go hand in hand. Technology has become the best ally of the clubs with the aim of offering fans new incentives to improve their experience. In this increasingly complex environment, it is a priority to reinforce the club's identity, its defining values and bring them closer to the fans.

 Fans in the stands of the stadium during a Real Madrid match.

At Real Madrid we work to create a culture of loyalty, a sense of community and belonging among the fans. Our goal is to generate personalised and individual experiences by developing different technologies that make it easier for us to build profiles of each person by offering specific content in space and time for each individual.
We seek to define and develop strategies and tools supported by technology to generate value-added content, gamification experiences, OTT channels, essential projects to offer what each fan demands.